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Server Rules

  1.  Be kind, be polite. Don't spam chat with cussing, we may have sensitive ears and families / kids playing here.

  2. No Automation / Macroing / Third Party clickers / Multi-boxing / Key Locking.

  3. No defamation of character (insulting their race, gender, creed, nationality or sexuality).

  4. You may not impersonate a GM / pretend to be affiliated with the server as a staff member.

  5. No Cheating (Client side mods are not considered cheating), Cheating is...                                                                * Obvious abuse of any exploit, bug or other method of gaining skill/items that is not as intended. If you find an exploit or glitch, the proper protocol is to report it to us as soon as possible and we'll do our best to handle it from there.  You will not be held accountable if you report an exploit we would just like the server to be free of them for everybody's sake                                                                                                                                                 * Sniffing game communication data, trying to hack the server, or altering the client in any way.

  6. Do NOT use the Rebirth spell on Rift Creatures or Sea Serpents.

  7. NO ALTS! ONE CHARACTER PER PERSON.  Exploitation of alts to have multiple priests, different skills or to exploit the quest timers is going to be severely punished. If you want to do everything by yourself and not engage with other players, this is NOT THE SERVER FOR YOU... there are many others that welcome you.

  8. You are not required to announce a unique or make it a public event, although you may need help slaying them and it would be respectful to invite others along for the excitement of the hunt!

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